2009 amd 2010 GOALS
Local Section's and Chair's
2009 Chair Dr. Barbar R. Hillery
2010 Chair Mr. Frank R. Romano
1. To continue collaborations with other scientific
We have developed, continued and/or strengthened relationships
with the New York Academy of Sciences, the New York Hall of Science, Eastern
Analytical Symposium, the NY State Science Olympiad, Chemical Heritage
Foundation, Metro New York Section of the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers and The Chemists Club.
2. To increase public outreach.
We reach thousands through events such as National Chemistry
Week at the Hall of Science, Undergraduate Research Symposium, High School
Awards. Two groups have volunteered to plan Science Cafes, and one
of these has scheduled a series of public events to be held in cooperation
with their local public library throughout this spring semester.:
3. To sustain and expand the use of teleconferencing
and other electronic communications.
We continue with e-blasts to publicize events, and have expanded
our NY/NJ sections newsletter, The Indicator, with a web edition.
Teleconferencing has eased the travel burden for business meetings of committees
such as the Nominating Committee.
4. To sustain the activity of the committee advisory
This committee was suggested in 2008, but official establishment
was delayed. We have been reviewing our overall committee structure, and
as we do so several experienced members of the Board and Councilors have
been serving in an ad hoc advisory capacity.
1. To review and update the section committee structure,
including functions of each committee.
Committee Chairs were asked to review the functions of their
committees and submit updates to the section office.
2. To reinvigorate the Speakers Bureau.
Many members of the NY Section are in demand as speakers.
Our web site contains a link to speakers, and encourages those seeking
speakers to contact the section.
3. To sustain the activities of the Government Action
Committee, which was reinvigorated by the 2008 Chair.
The Chair of the GAC also served as a Director-at-Large of
the Executive Board.
4. To review and update the descriptions of job responsibilities
for Executive Board positions.
Existing job descriptions (decades old) were copied and mailed
to all appropriate Board members and Committee Chairs. Descriptions were
reviewed, updated, and sent back to the Section office. In the coming year,
these will be compiled into a new booklet on Section Officers Responsibilities.
1. Develop new programs and activities which encourage our
student members to become active in our Section.
2. Continue to leverage technology to increase communication
and decrease costs.
3. Maintain collaborations with other scientific organizations.
4. Continue to support and improve on our premier events
and investigate opportunities to add new activities and events.
1. Show support for the local sub-sections by attending at
least one major event for each local section.
2. Continue to reach out to members to understand their needs.
Communications will be primarily through our website and e-mails.
3. Reach out to all members especially those from industry
and encourage them to become active in local section governance, activities
and events.